Monday, January 4, 2010

Dyslexic Barbie Dolls

I was introducing similar figures to my honors class today.  One of my students asked, "Well what does proportional mean the same?"  I answered with my wealth of useless knowledge (ha!).  Somewhere in my 27 years, I remember someone telling me that if Barbie was a "real" woman (go ahead...make the Pinocchio reference..."I'm a real boy!") she would be something like 7 feet tall and weight 100 pounds with an 18 inch waist and legs that made up 3/4 of her body?  I used that to tell my students that she is NOT proportional to a real woman, but that those measurements would be proportional to the Barbie as a doll.  One of my students made a very astute conclusion after hearing her height and weight, "She would be dyslexic!"  I replied, "How would you know she couldn't read?"  His response, "I thought dyslexic meant she didn't eat!"  

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