Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sad and Fruity

Standing in front of my Smart board, the projector light started to go out.  What I didn't realize, is that I had "changed colors."  One of my students raised his hand and said "Miss Wynn, you're blue!"  Yay a teaching moment right?  I asked him if he was saying that figuratively or literally.  We had a good discussion on the difference between the two terms. 

Trying to push their brains to think a bit more, we started thinking of some synonyms for the figurative meaning of "blue."  The most common answer was "sad."  I wrote the word melancholy on the board while asking my students who thought they knew what it might mean.  I was hoping they would use some context clues from our conversation to get the meaning.  One young man, used some different word clues in his answer.  "Miss Wynn, would that be a type of cantaloupe?"  After what seemed an eternity I finally figured out that he got this definition from the first five letters of the term..."melan" which he thought to mean "melon."  I had to give him credit that he did use parts of the word to decipher the definition.....So the next time you feel sad or "melancholy," take some comfort in that some 7th grader just thinks you're fruity.  :)

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