Monday, December 7, 2009

Paper, Scissors, Rock?

The last twenty-five minutes of school every day is an Enrichment period.  If my students have completed all their work for the week, we do some sort of activity on Fridays.  This past Friday we played Duck, Duck, Goose...and yes, 7th graders LOVE this game.  A boy was "goosed" and promptly stood up and with a puzzled look on his face, said "what do I do now??"  Unbelieveable...

So because of this recent experience, I took a bit more time than usual explaining how to play rock, paper, scissors.  I asked the students to show me what "paper" looks like with their hands, what the "scissors" look like with their hands, and finally what the "rock" looks like.  When I said, "Show me what the rock looks like," a boy stood up in the back of the room, and said, "I'll show you what rock looks like...ROCK HARD ABS!!!"  I said no thank you.  I stopped breathing for the first phrase of his comment, so I'm glad he didn't linger on it and moved right on to the end.  Be careful what and how you say things...

1 comment:

  1. I love those "oh please don't let them say..." moments in teaching!
