Monday, November 2, 2009

A Day In The Life

My day started at 5:30 am.  Upon arriving at our workshop, I somehow managed to get separated from my group.  I went in to the auditorium, got my laptop out, turned it on, got my notebook ready, and sat down, eager to learn!  Little did I know.  A principal from our school district walked up to me and said "What are you doing?"  By the grin on her face, I realized I was in the wrong place.  This was followed by a conversation with our assistant principal.  The kids at the middle school have discovered how to make flying objects out of paper and paper clips.  These lovely contraptions are called "hornets."  I had an entire conversation with the teachers at my table about the "wasps" our students make before my friend decided to remind me that I used the wrong flying, stinging insect name.  Thankfully, my issues didn't follow me to the gym this I remembered to spray down the correct treadmill after running.  I'm ready for bed! 

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