Monday, October 5, 2009


Introducing a lesson about translating math words into numbers and symbols, I teach a "mini" lesson on phrases in French.  This is meant to show students that breaking down a word problem is just like translating a foreign language.  You have to know the separate parts of the sentence before you can put it together to make sense.  I love the conversations that come out of this lesson, but one in particular I will remember for a while.  I overheard one of my students informing his buddy that "oui" in French meant "yes."  I challenged him and asked him if he could spell it.  He matter of factly got the attention of the entire room by standing up and saying "W-I-I."  Regaining my composure while stifling a laugh AND correcting him wasn't an easy feat, but how quickly I was reminded of how technology saturated my students are!

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